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Housing Committee Minutes 3/19/07
Chilmark Housing Committee
                                                        Meeting Minutes
                                             March 19, 2007 @ 4:30 p.m.

Present: Andy Goldman, Tim Lasker, Zee Gamson, Jim Feiner
             and Lisa Specht, Administrative Assistant
Absent: Steve Schwab, Bill Randol
Guest:   Chuck Hodgkinson

The Minutes of March 5, 2007 were approved as amended.

The Committee discussed the section in the Implementation Guidelines that refers to the Homesite Housing Lot Cost Base (page 3, # 5). It was decided to leave the language as it is written in the latest draft with the only addition being at the end of the last sentence. The last sentence now reads as follows:  "Not to exceed $40,000.00 - intended to include such pre construction development costs as septic, water, access, utilities, etc for a town-approved lot."

There was discussion about whether the Site Review Committee would need to approve the location of all the dwellings of the subdivision.

Andy Goldman told the Committee that the Ground Lease is almost ready.

It was suggested by Tim Lasker that an order of conditions be written on the linen that will be presented to the Planning Board, rather than have it written in the lease agreement.

The Committee discussed the possibility of including a memorandum of understanding.

Chuck Hodgkinson spoke about the current Middle Line Community Housing Program subdivision plan.  Holman Road will be preserved.  The building envelopes are closer to the neighbors than the earlier plan.  The plan will be a Form B subdivision plan, which is a non-binding plan.  

Nine septic systems are proposed for the subdivision.

Nine copies of the Form B will be delivered to the Planning Board for their Monday, March 26 meeting.

The Planning Board may have concerns about the abutters, egress, the nitrogen loading issue and the septic issues of the subdivision.

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Other Business:

Liz Gude has spoken with the Planning Board and Andy Goldman about creating a Resident Homesite Lot on her property.  All parties are very enthusiastic about the proposal and will consult with counsel about the possibility.

There was discussion about whether or not to include CORI checks in the application kit.
There was no resolution to the question.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.

Minutes taken by Lisa Specht, Administrative Assistant.

Amended and respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.